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Education Quality Assurance

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    Education Quality Assurance

    Educational Quality Assurance refers to the systematic processes and measures implemented by the International European University, Poland to ensure and enhance the quality of its educational programs and services. It involves the assessment, monitoring, and continuous improvement of various aspects of the educational experience – curriculum design, teaching methods, student support services, and learning outcomes. The goal of Educational Quality Assurance is to provide international students with a high-quality education to meet established standards and prepare them for their future endeavors.

    Education Quality Assurance Center

    International European University in Poland is intended to provide international students with a high-quality education in Europe in accordance with the standards of education in the EU. To uphold and enhance the quality of education provided by educational programs, the University created a special department – the Education Quality Assurance Center (EQAC). The EQAC serves as the department responsible for overseeing and safeguarding the quality of education offered at the International European University, Poland. It undertakes comprehensive monitoring and evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness of the university’s educational programs, seeking opportunities for improvement and advancement.

    By implementing rigorous quality assurance measures, the Education Quality Assurance Center of the International European University plays a vital role in ensuring that the educational programs provided by the institution meet the highest standards. Through a systematic approach, the EQAC continuously evaluates the educational processes, learning outcomes, and teaching methodologies employed within the university. The EQAC collaborates closely with faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to gather valuable feedback and insights. This feedback is used to identify areas for enhancement and implement targeted improvements in teaching practices, curriculum design, and student support services.

    The Education Quality Assurance Center at the International European University, Poland promotes a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. It fosters a proactive environment where educational practices are regularly reviewed, assessed, and refined to meet the evolving needs of students and align with best practices in higher education. The EQAC actively engages with external quality assurance bodies, regulatory authorities, and accreditation agencies to ensure compliance with national and international standards. This collaboration contributes to the ongoing development and enhancement of the university’s educational programs and provides external validation of the quality of education offered. The Education Quality Assurance Center at the International European University, Poland plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving the quality of education provided by the institution. Its efforts contribute to the university’s commitment to excellence, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education to prepare them for future success in their chosen fields.

    EQAC Aims

    The Education Quality Assurance Center (EQAC) at the International European University, Poland plays a crucial role in establishing standards and criteria for evaluating the quality of higher education. These standards encompass various aspects of education, including curriculum, teaching quality, student performance, facilities, and resources. EQAC conducts assessments and reviews of institutions to assess their compliance with these standards and identify areas for improvement. The primary objective of EQAC is to enhance the quality of education at the International European University, Poland. This is achieved by providing institutions with feedback and guidance on areas that require improvement. EQAC may offer support and assistance to help institutions meet the established standards.

    The Education Quality Assurance Center is responsible for the functionality of the internal quality assurance system at the university and monitors its various components. It explores international, local, and institutional practices related to monitoring and analyzing the quality of education. The center coordinates the development, implementation, and proper functioning of the Quality Management System at the International European University, Poland. To ensure the quality of training, EQAC organizes surveys and polls for students and academic staff, analyzing the results to identify areas for improvement. The Center ensures that corrective and preventive measures are promptly implemented to address any non-compliance issues that may affect the quality of educational processes at the university.

    The Education Quality Assurance Center facilitates access to documents related to the Quality Management System through the university’s official website. It monitors the process of advanced vocational training for university personnel and provides timely training opportunities for teaching and academic staff. The center conducts systematic selective monitoring of department activities to ensure compliance with the core requirements for the organization of the educational process at the International European University, Poland. EQAC offers information and consulting services in the field of education quality management. The Education Quality Assurance Center organizes internal and external audits of the Quality Management System to evaluate its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

    Principles of EQAC Activity

    The Education Quality Assurance Center at the International European University, Poland operates based on a set of principles and procedures aimed at ensuring compliance with European and national quality standards in higher education. These principles include adhering to quality monitoring, adopting a systems approach to quality management, continuous improvement, stakeholder involvement, and transparency. The EQAC implements various procedures and measures to enhance the quality of education at the International European University, Poland. The center’s measures encompass improving the planning of educational activities, enhancing the quality of applicants, strengthening the human resources of the university, improving the material and technical support for education, utilizing information systems for efficient educational management, ensuring the transparency of information, implementing measures to prevent and detect academic plagiarism, and participating in national and international rankings of higher education institutions. Educational programs at the International European University, Poland undergo a thorough review and approval process. The Academic Council of the university approves courses and implements them through the rector’s order. The review process takes into account ongoing monitoring, industry developments, societal needs, and feedback from faculty, graduates, and employers.

    Missions of the EQAC

    The Education Quality Assurance Center at the International European University, Poland strives to foster a culture of quality and ensure the continuous improvement of education provided by the institution. The EQAC at the International European University, Poland carries out its mission through the following activities:

    • Developing a quality culture and implementing quality assurance models within the university;
    • Establishing an internal system for quality assurance to ensure the educational quality of the institution;
    • Guiding and inspecting the implementation of education quality assurance conditions across various units within the university;
    • Organizing surveys and evaluations to gather data and assess the educational quality of the university;
    • Processing and analyzing data to ensure the continuous improvement of the university’s educational quality;
    • Evaluating units based on research university standards, stratification, and ranking criteria;
    • Summarizing and reporting the outcomes of public tasks related to quality assurance;
    • Facilitating self-assessment of training units and programs to identify areas for improvement;
    • Developing improvement plans to enhance the quality of education based on self-assessment and accreditation results;
    • Establishing a comprehensive database system for quality assurance, inspection, and updates in line with quality standards;
    • Developing and maintaining frameworks and guidelines for quality assurance;
    • Conducting evaluations and reviews of educational institutions, programs, and services;
    • Accrediting and certifying institutions or programs that meet specific quality standards;
    • Providing training and professional development opportunities for educators and administrators;
    • Promoting best practices in education and disseminating information about quality assurance in the field.

    The Education Quality Assurance Center at the International European University, Poland plays a vital role in ensuring that the academic programs and services offered by the university meet specific standards of quality and excellence. The center develops policies and guidelines, conducts evaluations and reviews, accredits programs, and provides support and training to faculty and staff. By undertaking developing activities, the center aims to uphold and improve the overall quality of education provided at the university. The quality of educational work at the International European University, Poland is evaluated based on several factors:

    • knowledge and skills attained by students according to educational standards;
    • quality of teaching and learning;
    • university’s ethos, and its commitment to human rights, natural and social environment, multi-ethnicity, and diversity;
    • governance and management of the university;
    • support provided to students (supplementary classes and assistance for students with special educational needs);
    • staff, material, technical, and safety conditions of the institution;
    • collaboration with parents, other institutions, the local community, and social partners.

    Functions of EQAC

    An Education Quality Assurance Center (EQAC) at the International European University, Poland has various functions and responsibilities:

    • Developing quality assurance frameworks and guidelines: EQACs create policies, standards, and guidelines that establish quality benchmarks for academic programs and services. These frameworks cover areas such as teaching and learning practices, curriculum development, research activities, and student support services.
    • Conducting evaluations and reviews: EQACs regularly assess academic programs, research activities, and student support services through evaluations and reviews. This involves visiting institutions, conducting interviews with faculty, staff, and students, and examining relevant documents and data to ensure compliance with quality standards.
    • Accrediting programs and institutions: EQACs accredit academic programs and institutions that meet predetermined quality standards. Accreditation involves a comprehensive evaluation of factors such as academic programs, faculty qualifications, facilities, and student support services.
    • Providing training and support: EQACs offer training and support to enhance teaching and learning practices, curriculum development, and research activities. They provide resources and guidance to help institutions align with quality assurance standards and regulations.
    • Promoting best practices in education: EQACs actively promote best practices in education by disseminating information and resources to institutions and stakeholders. They conduct research, produce reports, and publish materials related to quality assurance in education.
    Attribute managed Implementation Importance
    Study Facilities Mandatory
    • Ensure that students have access to an environment that is conducive to learning and promotes their academic success;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to better support student learning;
    • Assess the availability and quality of equipment, technology, and resources in academic facilities to ensure that they meet the needs of students and faculty;
    • Help IEU, Poland attract and retain students by demonstrating their commitment to providing a high-quality learning environment.
    Living Facilities Mandatory
    • Ensure IEU, Poland students have access to safe, comfortable, and supportive living environments while they are studying;
    • Assessing the quality of various physical and social resources that students rely on for their well-being, such as IEU, Poland on-campus housing, dining facilities, health services, counseling services, and recreational facilities;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to better support IEU, Poland students’ physical and mental health, safety, and overall well-being;
    • Assess the condition and safety of dormitory buildings, the availability and quality of healthy food options;
    • Сheck accessibility and quality of medical and mental health services, and the availability and quality of fitness and recreational facilities.
    Sports Facilities Mandatory
    • Ensure IEU, Poland students have access to safe, well-maintained, and high-quality facilities that promote physical fitness, health, and well-being;
    • Assessing the quality of various sports and recreational resources students rely on for their physical activity, such as athletic fields, gymnasiums, fitness centers, swimming pools, and other sports facilities;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to better support students’ physical health and fitness;
    • Assess the availability and quality of IEU, Poland equipment, the condition and safety of sports facilities, the accessibility and availability of trained staff and coaches, and the quality of programming and instruction;
    • Checking the quality of sports facilities can also help universities attract and retain students by demonstrating their commitment to providing a supportive and healthy campus environment.
    Diversity and Inclusion Mandatory
    • Assessing the IEU, Poland policies, programs, and practices that impact diversity and inclusion, such as recruitment and admissions, curriculum development, faculty and staff hiring, and campus culture;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to better support IEU, Poland students from diverse backgrounds and ensure that they feel valued and included in the campus community;
    • Assess the representation and inclusion of underrepresented groups in the curriculum, the availability and accessibility of resources for students from diverse backgrounds, and the diversity of faculty and staff;
    • Help IEU, Poland attract and retain a diverse student body by demonstrating their commitment to providing an inclusive and welcoming campus environment.
    Abuse Prevention Policies Mandatory
    • Ensure the IEU, Poland students, faculty, and staff are provided with a safe and secure learning and working environment that is free from all forms of abuse and harassment;
    • Assessing the IEU, Poland policies and procedures for preventing and responding to incidents of abuse and harassment;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to better protect the rights and well-being of their community members;
    • Assess the effectiveness of reporting mechanisms, the accessibility and responsiveness of support services, and the training and education provided to IEU, Poland students, faculty, and staff on abuse prevention and response;
    • Help IEU, Poland attract and retain students, faculty, and staff by demonstrating their commitment to providing a safe and respectful campus environment.
    Research Mandatory
    • Assess the quality and impact of the research being conducted by IEU, Poland faculty and students, as well as the university’s ability to support and advance research in various fields;
    • Evaluating the IEU, Poland research infrastructure, policies, and practices, as well as the output and outcomes of research activities;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance the quality and impact of research, as well as to better support faculty and students in their research pursuits;
    • Assess the availability and accessibility of research resources and facilities, the quality of research training and support provided to IEU, Poland faculty, and students;
    • Discover the impact of research output in advancing knowledge and addressing societal challenges.
    Medical Practice Mandatory
    • Ensure the IEU, Poland medical programs and facilities are providing safe, effective, and high-quality medical care to patients and are meeting the standards set by relevant regulatory bodies;
    • Evaluating the IEU, Poland medical education programs, clinical practice guidelines, patient safety protocols, and the qualifications and performance of medical practitioners;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance the quality of medical care provided to patients and ensure that the IEU, Poland medical programs are producing competent and ethical healthcare professionals;
    • Assess the quality of medical education and training provided to IEU, Poland students;
    • Check availability and accessibility of clinical resources and equipment, and the effectiveness of patient safety protocols and risk management strategies.
    Education Mandatory
    • Ensure the IEU, Poland is providing students with a high-quality and effective learning experience that meets the standards set by relevant accrediting bodies and regulatory agencies;
    • Evaluating the quality of the IEU, Poland academic programs, teaching methods, learning resources, student support services, and student outcomes;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of their academic programs and better support student learning and success;
    • Assess the quality of the IEU, Poland course materials and instructional methods, the availability and accessibility of learning resources and technologies;
    • Check the effectiveness of the IEU, Poland student support services, such as academic advising and career services.
    Food Safety Mandatory
    • Ensure the food provided to the IEU, Poland students, faculty, and staff is safe, nutritious, and meets the relevant standards set by regulatory agencies;
    • Evaluating the IEU, Poland food safety protocols, food preparation and handling practices, and the qualifications and training of food service personnel;
    • Identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance the safety and quality of the food, served on campus, as well as to ensure compliance with relevant food safety regulations;
    • Assess the adequacy and cleanliness of kitchen and dining facilities, the proper handling and storage of food, and the training and qualifications of food service personnel;
    • Help the IEU, Poland promote a culture of health and wellness on campus, by providing nutritious and safe food options that support the health and well-being of the IEU, Poland students, faculty, and staff.

    Students Feedback

    • Ndahafa Petrus

      Namibia, School of IT, Freshman

      The European School of IT at the International European University is what you need to start your career as a Web Developer and work with the best IT organization in Europe. I was provided with all the necessary sources of information and technologies to obtain learning material faster and more enjoyable. The most important for me was that I have an opportunity to get practical experience of using my knowledge and skills to cause with help of a big amount of necessary technical equipment and VLE. I am happy to be here and work for my future!

    • Huma Farooqi

      Pakistan, School of IT, Second-Year Student

      I was very glad to be able to enter the International European University in Poland. It seemed to me that I would have a lot of problems with the transfer and would not be able to transfer all my credits, but the university administration helped me throughout these processes, explaining to me where I will live and study, keeping me updated with information about Courses I wanted to obtain and give me an advice concerning my future curricula. If you a looking for a good possibility to study abroad and want to have the ability to get high-quality education - I recommend it to you!

    • Anippe Hatem

      Egypt, School of Humanities, Second-Year Student

      The admission manager of The European International University was so attentive to me and helped me to solve all my problems concerning my transfer process. I was nervous about selecting my future specialty, curricula, and all the technical equipment I need for the studying process. But I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and speed of services, manager picked up a convenient schedule for me and provided me with access to all sources of information I need. Very well recommended!

    • Szilvia Vass

      Hungary, School of IT, Freshman

      When I arrived at the IEU University in Poland I was amazed by the quality of the accommodations and the campus - they are incredible! The admission manager was so attentive and convinced me that I would be pleasantly surprised by the quality of education and the amount of technical equipment of the university - and he was right! The European School of IT prepares a high-level technologist and I am pleased to be in this place and to be a student of the IT school at The International European University in Poland!

    • Kojo Owusu

      Ghana, School of Languages, Third-Year Student

      My personal manager who was working with me is very professional, patient, and highly qualified. I got admission into the university of my dreams, the European School of Languages. Working with the IEU has been one of the best decisions of my life. It was such a great experience meeting and working with a lot of professionals who understood my desires and financial expectations. I totally recommend this team to everyone who is trying to find the best future for themselves!

    • David González

      Spain, School of Law, Freshman

      The international department staff in IEU was so considerate and kind to me. They helped me with my document validation and did all the paperwork. It was so lovely and pleasant and I was amazed by their knowledge of administrative processes and procedures. I highly recommend The IEU if you are in search of an attentive and respectful attitude to you as a student!

    • Rishi Sen-Sharma

      India, School of Life Sciences, Fourth-Year Student

      I was so pleased by the support of the International department staff. They helped me with understanding all admission processes and guide me in all paperwork, so I was calm about all my documents. I think that studying at International European University in Poland is a great opportunity to get acquainted with European culture and traditions, receive a high-quality education, and have an unforgettable experience!

    • Yusuf Alli

      Nigeria, School of Medicine, Second-Year Student

      I always wanted to become a doctor and I realized, that the IEU in Poland is the place where my dream can come true. They have all the needed equipment and facilities, to develop my skills and get new knowledge. I was amazed by the Simulation Centre and new laboratories – they are awesome. University’s transfer manager helped me during my admission process and was very polite. I definitely recommend it to all young people!

    • Claudia Schneider

      Germany, School of Medicine, Fourth-Year Student

      The IEU transfer manager is so supportive, polite, and attentive. They helped me to choose a convenient study program, gave me an advice concerning the transfer process, and helped me transfer all my credits from my previous place of study. That's why if you are looking for educational institutions which will do their best for you - the International European University is the right place for you!

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