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Organization of Academic Process

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    Organization of Academic Process

    “Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the International European University, Poland” is a document that regulates the organization and implementation of the educational process at the International European University in Poland.

    General Provisions

    The educational process in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees programs in Europe is an intellectual, creative activity in the field of higher education and science, which is being conducted at the International European University, Poland through a system of scientific, methodological, and pedagogical activities and is aimed at the transfer, mastering, multiplication, and use of knowledge, skills and other competencies of the learners, and also on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

    Educational activities at the International European University, Poland are aimed to:

    • Create conditions for personal development and creative self-realization of a person;
    • Form national and universal values;
    • Create equal opportunities for youth in obtaining quality education;
    • Prepare for life and work in modern conditions;
    • Develop and implement educational innovative technologies;
    • Democratize education and the educational process;
    • Develop lifelong learning;
    • Integrate Polish education into European and world space;
    • Provide social protection for students, scientists, and pedagogical workers;
    • Provide a responsible attitude towards own health and environmental protection;
    • Create the most favorable conditions for the life of society.

    The educational process at the International European University, Poland is organized on the principles of science, humanism, democracy, continuity, and independence from the influence of any political parties, or public and religious organizations. Training of specialists at the International European University, Poland is carried out step by step or continuously by the educational qualification levels “Bachelor” and “Master” according to the level of accreditation. The educational process is carried out by educational units:

    • Colleges
    • Institutes
    • Faculties
    • Departments,
    • Clinical centers,
    • University clinics,
    • University hospitals,
    • Clinical hospitals, etc.

    In order to carry out the educational process, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the University, educational, and scientific institutes, complexes, training and production divisions of professional training, laboratories, training centers, and other specialized complexes are created in accordance with the current legislation.

    Training of foreign citizens is organized by departments of the International European University, Poland (centers, faculties, etc.), which are responsible for the training of foreign students. Activities of educational units are regulated by the Regulations approved in the established procedure after consideration by the Academic Council of the University.

    The rector (prorector) and the heads of the educational departments (head of the departments, heads of educational, educational-methodical, information-analytical departments, etc.) are responsible for the quality of the educational process at the IEU, Poland. The International European University, Poland provides scientific and pedagogical workers and students with means of education (educational, methodological, scientific, technical, and other means) in accordance with their material and financial capabilities. The language of study at the University is determined by the legislation of Poland. The Regulations on the organization of the educational process are approved by the Academic Council of the International European University, Poland in accordance with the law.

    Academic Process

    The terms of study in the appropriate forms are determined by the possibilities of the implementation of the educational-professional training program for specialists of a certain educational qualification level and standards of higher education. The organization of the educational process is carried out at the International European University, Poland in accordance with the standards of higher education and this Statute. Visits to training sessions (lecture, practical, seminar) for students obtaining higher education in Europe are obligatory. In case of absence, the student should complete missed lessons in their free time. The department must submit to the teaching and training department a work program on discipline, a set of individual tasks (if they are planned), and control tasks for the final control over discipline not later than 3 months before the beginning of the academic year.

    Lecture. The curriculum combines lectures problematic, reviews, and conceptual-analytical. Lecture becomes a process during which students develop knowledge, provide a motivational component, and a general-oriented stage of mastering scientific knowledge. A separate lecture is an element of the course of lectures, covering the main theoretical material of one or several topics of the discipline. The subject of lectures is determined by the working curriculum of the discipline. Lectures in the Bachelor’s degree programs in Poland are conducted by scientific and pedagogical workers by professors, associate professors, and senior lecturers. At the International European University, Poland assistants with a degree can be invited to read individual lectures. The department should keep the plans and theses of all lectures.

    A practical lesson is a training session where the teacher guides students in thoroughly examining the theoretical aspects of a specific topic within a discipline. The aim is to develop their skills and abilities to practically apply the knowledge by assigning individual tasks that align with the formulated objectives. Practical classes are held in specially equipped training rooms, laboratories, operating rooms, dressing rooms, and wards near the patient’s bed (at the bed of the patient, the number of students is no more than 5 persons).

    The list of topics for practical classes is determined by the working curriculum of the discipline. The schedule of practical classes at the Master’s degree programs in English is compiled by the department for each semester and is approved by the dean of the faculty. For conducting practical classes the department creates methodological developments for teachers and methodical instructions for students on preparation and work in practical lessons (other methodological documents can be developed).

    At the International European University, Poland during the study of basic disciplines in 4-6 years (internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics, and gynecology), at each practical lesson, 80% of class hours should be conducted independently under the supervision of a teacher. A seminar lesson is a kind of training session in which a scientifically-pedagogical worker organizes a discussion on pre-defined problems on a specific topic. The list of topics for seminars is determined by the curriculum of the discipline.

    Laboratory training is a form of studying in which a student obtaining a Medical Degree in Europe, under the direction of a teacher, personally conducts in-person physical and simulation experiments or experiments with the aim of practical confirmation of certain theoretical positions of this discipline, and acquires practical skills in work with medical and biological preparations, laboratory equipment, computer technology, computer programs, measuring equipment, methods of experimental research in a particular field. Laboratory classes at the International European University in Poland are held in specially equipped training laboratories. The list of topics for laboratory classes is determined by the working curriculum of the discipline.

    An individual training session is a form of training that is conducted with individual students to increase their level of preparation and disclosure of individual creative abilities, or because of the need to work out a certain number of classes missed for a valid reason. Individual training sessions at the International European University, Poland are organized according to a separate schedule approved by the dean and agreed upon with the head of the department, taking into account the student’s individual plan, and cover part or full amount of studies from one discipline, and in some cases, the full amount of training for a specific educational qualification level for a separate order of the rector on the submission of the dean for a particular student. Types of individual tasks for certain academic disciplines are determined by a working curriculum in the discipline. Terms of issue, execution, and performing of individual tasks are determined by the schedule developed by the department for each semester. Individual tasks are performed by students independently with the obtaining of necessary consultations by a scientific and pedagogical worker of the International European University, Poland.

    Practice is a compulsory component of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs in Europe. The purpose of the practice is the acquisition of students’ professional skills and abilities for their further use in real production conditions, the education of the needs to systematically renew their knowledge and apply them creatively in practice. Practice at the International European University, Poland is conducted in accordance with the existing programs and the Regulations on practice in the terms provided by the curriculum. The practice provides for continuity and consistency of its implementation when obtaining the required amount of practical knowledge and skills in accordance with different educational qualification levels. The content and sequence of the practice are determined by the practice programs that are developed by the relevant departments, the Department of Industrial Practice, the Educational Department of the University, and the Central Methodical Cabinet for the higher education of the Ministry of Health of Poland.

    Tutorials at the International European University, Poland are typically small discussion groups meeting to discuss matters arising from lectures, work not covered in lectures, essays, or other tasks that have been set or some aspect of the readings. Tutorials are generally referred to as “tuts”, and are led by a tutor, who may be a senior post-graduate student or a member of staff. Tutorials are usually the same length of time as a lecture, one period, or 45 minutes long.

    Workgroups/ workshops are an opportunity for students pursuing a higher degree in Europe to work in small groups, focusing on certain sections of the work. The purpose here is to develop skills and work on the concepts related to the course. These workshops or workgroups occupy a longer time than 45 minutes, usually a double period.

    Practical training is an important component of Medical degree programs in Europe. The knowledge and skills, acquired during study at clinical and theoretical departments, are consolidated by the students during practical training held at clinical bases. The clinical bases of practical training at the International European University, Poland include medical preventive establishments, hospitals, and sanitary epidemic stations.

    The third-year students of medical courses pass through practical training on care for patients at in-patient departments of therapeutic, surgical, and pediatric specialization at clinical bases of the department. The students consolidate their skills and abilities on care for adult patients and children within the duties of a junior medical nurse. During the 4th and 5th years of study, the students pass through practical training of medical nurses at in-patient departments of therapeutic, surgical, and pediatric specialization at clinical bases of the department. The students of the International European University, Poland consolidate their skills and abilities within the professional duties of middle medical staff, including mastering the technology on fulfillment of subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravascular stream and drop-by-drop introduction of drugs. The important aspect of the Medical Degree programs at the IEU, Poland is devoted to mastery of methods of rendering first care to adult patients and children.

    Students gain experience in practical work allowing them to orient in clinical situations, establish the correct diagnosis, prescribe the corresponding treatment, and renderer the first aid. The practical training helps the students to adapt to the future working place and impart practical skills. Practical training is an essential constituent of the educational process. After the second course, the students of the Dentistry program at the International European University, Poland pass through practical training, consolidating the skills and abilities in care for patients at therapeutic/surgical and dentistry departments within the duties of junior medical staff and a medical nurse.

    Moving to an online education model meant scrambling to figure out how to educate students remotely and find workable solutions. The professors and students of the International European University, Poland adjust to online methods of education. Video conferencing is an online technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location together. Video conferencing in education allows teachers to connect with students no matter where they are. This lets teachers and students pursuing Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Europe engage in real-time both audibly and visually. Students can get a virtual tour of the International European University, Poland, and students are able to speak to a class of students who live on the other side of the world.

    An online lesson is a very effective and popular form of lesson. Students access class objectives, lecture notes, instructional materials, and exams via the Internet. At the International European University, Poland all online lessons are connected through a live video platform, where students and a teacher have an interactive lesson. These are not pre-recorded videos, but an actual teacher conducting the lesson in real-time. Students can ask questions and get feedback. Students of the Online Educational Programs in Poland can take lessons from the convenience of their homes and easily record the lessons for easy playback and review. This allows them to review the lesson at a later time and continue learning after the lesson ends.

    A webinar is an online seminar with one or more presentations often focused on one single topic, which is facilitated by digital technology. The webinar, in the same way as an in-person seminar, is usually held as a synchronous event, where speakers and participants interact within a fixed period of time. At the International European University, Poland webinars enable students to participate in discussions or other activities. Webinars are an inclusive way of teaching online in a multicultural learning environment in Europe, where teachers can give short presentations, and facilitate discussions while introducing devices such as text, images, or video during the lesson.

    An examination is an important part of higher education in Europe. The measurement of student learning through assessment provides useful feedback to both instructors and students about the extent to which students are successfully meeting course learning objectives. An examination at the International European University, Poland is used as a control to qualify a student and as an educational tool to influence the learning process. The form of examination is set by academic regulations and cannot be changed without approval by the board of studies. The form of examination constitutes a framework for planning and delivering teaching.

    Written exams include short-answer questions, questions, essay questions, and multiple-choice tests. Short-answer questions test how students recall specific facts. Questions are given to students to check how students can explain the meaning of concepts. Essay questions give a better assessment of how students have understood a subject and their ability to apply their knowledge and do analysis, comparison, evaluation, and synthesis. In multiple-choice tests, the students select the answer from several alternative answers (usually 4-5) for each question. These types of tests mainly focus on detailed knowledge.

    Oral exams involve the student’s oral response to exam questions or assignments. Oral allows the examiner and the examinee unity to have a conversation or discussion about a given topic. Oral exams give students a chance to demonstrate their abilities and knowledge related to the academic objectives. Practical exams represent a different exam type that tests practical and oral skill sets. Like practicals, they require students to demonstrate their thinking process to justify observations, decisions, and actions, as well as apply their learning from not just a single unit but from the knowledge gained from all units over years of study.

    Students Feedback

    • Ndahafa Petrus

      Namibia, School of IT, Freshman

      The European School of IT at the International European University is what you need to start your career as a Web Developer and work with the best IT organization in Europe. I was provided with all the necessary sources of information and technologies to obtain learning material faster and more enjoyable. The most important for me was that I have an opportunity to get practical experience of using my knowledge and skills to cause with help of a big amount of necessary technical equipment and VLE. I am happy to be here and work for my future!

    • Huma Farooqi

      Pakistan, School of IT, Second-Year Student

      I was very glad to be able to enter the International European University in Poland. It seemed to me that I would have a lot of problems with the transfer and would not be able to transfer all my credits, but the university administration helped me throughout these processes, explaining to me where I will live and study, keeping me updated with information about Courses I wanted to obtain and give me an advice concerning my future curricula. If you a looking for a good possibility to study abroad and want to have the ability to get high-quality education - I recommend it to you!

    • Anippe Hatem

      Egypt, School of Humanities, Second-Year Student

      The admission manager of The European International University was so attentive to me and helped me to solve all my problems concerning my transfer process. I was nervous about selecting my future specialty, curricula, and all the technical equipment I need for the studying process. But I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and speed of services, manager picked up a convenient schedule for me and provided me with access to all sources of information I need. Very well recommended!

    • Szilvia Vass

      Hungary, School of IT, Freshman

      When I arrived at the IEU University in Poland I was amazed by the quality of the accommodations and the campus - they are incredible! The admission manager was so attentive and convinced me that I would be pleasantly surprised by the quality of education and the amount of technical equipment of the university - and he was right! The European School of IT prepares a high-level technologist and I am pleased to be in this place and to be a student of the IT school at The International European University in Poland!

    • Kojo Owusu

      Ghana, School of Languages, Third-Year Student

      My personal manager who was working with me is very professional, patient, and highly qualified. I got admission into the university of my dreams, the European School of Languages. Working with the IEU has been one of the best decisions of my life. It was such a great experience meeting and working with a lot of professionals who understood my desires and financial expectations. I totally recommend this team to everyone who is trying to find the best future for themselves!

    • David González

      Spain, School of Law, Freshman

      The international department staff in IEU was so considerate and kind to me. They helped me with my document validation and did all the paperwork. It was so lovely and pleasant and I was amazed by their knowledge of administrative processes and procedures. I highly recommend The IEU if you are in search of an attentive and respectful attitude to you as a student!

    • Rishi Sen-Sharma

      India, School of Life Sciences, Fourth-Year Student

      I was so pleased by the support of the International department staff. They helped me with understanding all admission processes and guide me in all paperwork, so I was calm about all my documents. I think that studying at International European University in Poland is a great opportunity to get acquainted with European culture and traditions, receive a high-quality education, and have an unforgettable experience!

    • Yusuf Alli

      Nigeria, School of Medicine, Second-Year Student

      I always wanted to become a doctor and I realized, that the IEU in Poland is the place where my dream can come true. They have all the needed equipment and facilities, to develop my skills and get new knowledge. I was amazed by the Simulation Centre and new laboratories – they are awesome. University’s transfer manager helped me during my admission process and was very polite. I definitely recommend it to all young people!

    • Claudia Schneider

      Germany, School of Medicine, Fourth-Year Student

      The IEU transfer manager is so supportive, polite, and attentive. They helped me to choose a convenient study program, gave me an advice concerning the transfer process, and helped me transfer all my credits from my previous place of study. That's why if you are looking for educational institutions which will do their best for you - the International European University is the right place for you!

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