Norms of Behavior
The International European University is a great place to live and study, and we want you to have an enjoyable and safe time as a member of our diverse and multinational University community. As a student of the IEU in Poland, you are required to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner in your day-to-day activities, including in your dealings with other students, staff, and external organizations.
During your time as a student, we expect you to behave:
- Safely, and with regard to the safety of others;
- With civility, consideration, and respect for others;
- In accordance with University policies, rules and regulations, and all applicable laws.
You have a responsibility to treat all members of the University community with respect and represent the University as responsible ambassadors through your good conduct on and off campus. This applies anywhere and at any time but is particularly important whilst on campus, on fieldwork or placement, on other studies away from the University, on the sports field, or whilst engaged in any other International European University-related activity.
Good conduct means:
- Recognizing the diversity of the University community and not discriminating against other students;
- Being honest, considerate, and polite towards other members of the university`s society;
- Behaving in a respectful manner towards others so that they do not feel that they are being harassed or bullied, whether within or outside the University
- Acting responsibly and showing respect for University property;
- IShowing consideration for others.
Norms provide us with an expected idea of how to behave, and function to provide order and predictability in society. The idea of norms provides a key to understanding social influence in general and conformity in particular.