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Professional Competencies

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    European Medical School

    • A capacity for establishing a preliminary clinical diagnosis of a disease;
    • Skills in collecting information about patients;
    • A capacity for determining the required list of laboratory and instrumental examinations and assessing results thereof;
    • A capacity for assessing results of laboratory and instrumental examinations;
    • A capacity for determining the principles and the nature of the treatment of diseases;
    • A capacity for diagnosing urgent conditions;
    • A capacity for conducting medical evacuation activities;
    • A capacity for determining the tactics of emergency medical care;
    • Emergency care skills;
    • Skills in performing medical manipulations;
    • A capacity for determining necessary working and resting schedules while treating diseases;
    • A capacity for determining the nature of nutrition in the treatment of diseases;
    • A capacity for determining the tactics of physiological pregnancy, physiological delivery, and the postpartum period. Family planning and contraceptive counseling skills
    • A capacity for carrying out preventive and anti-epidemic measures;
    • A capacity for planning preventive and anti-epidemic measures regarding infectious diseases;
    • A capacity for determining the case management of individuals that are subject to dispensary observation;
    • A capacity for conducting performance evaluation;
    • A capacity for keeping medical records;
    • A capacity for processing state, social, economic, and medical information;
    • A capacity for holding events about organization and integration of providing medical care;
    • A capacity for carrying out epidemiological and medico-statistical research about public health; a capacity for analyzing public, social, economic, and medical information;
    • A capacity for assessing the environmental impact on public health (individual, family, population);
    • A capacity for assessing the impact of the environment, socio-economic and biological determinants on the health of an individual, family, or population;
    • A capacity for analyzing a physician’s work, unit, and healthcare institution, activities on quality assurance of medical care, and improvement of the use of medical resources;
    • A capacity for carrying out activities regarding organization and integration of providing medical care to the population and conducting marketing of medical services;
    • A capacity for carrying out activities for the development and design of documentation for a clear definition of technological processes of manufacture and production of medicines following the rules of good practices;
    • A capacity for organizing the production activities of pharmacies for the manufacture of medicines in various forms based on doctor’s prescriptions and orders from medical institutions, including the justification of the technology and the selection of supporting materials following the rules of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP);
    • A capacity for organizing and participating in the production of medicines in the context of pharmaceutical companies, including the choice of technological process with the justification of the technological process and the choice of appropriate equipment following the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP);
    • A capacity for organizing and conducting procurement of medicinal plant raw materials, considering the rational use of medicinal plant resources, forecast and justifying ways to solve the problem of conservation and protection of wild medicinal plants following the rules of Good Practice of cultivation and collection of plant raw materials;
    • A capacity for organizing pharmacy work to provide the population and health care facilities with medicines, para pharmaceuticals, medical devices as well as medical perfumes and cosmetics following the requirements of the National Medical Policy, Good Pharmacy Practice, and other organizational and legal norms of pharmaceutical legislation;
    • A capacity for organizing the operation of the reporting and accounting systems (management, statistical, accounting, and financial) in pharmacies, to carry out commodity analysis, office administration, documentation, and quality management;
    • A capacity for analyzing and forecasting the main economic indicators of pharmacies, calculating basic taxes and fees, and setting prices for medicines and medical devices;
    • A capacity for developing, implementing, and applying management approaches in the professional activities of pharmacies, wholesalers intermediary, manufacturing companies, and other pharmaceutical organizations following the principles of Good Practice in Pharmaceutical Education and the FIP Global Framework;
    • A capacity for organizing and carrying out general and marketing management of assortment, innovation product, pricing, sales, and communication policies of pharmaceutical market participants, based on the results of marketing research and considering market processes in national and international markets;
    • A capacity for analyzing socio-economic processes in pharmacy, forms, methods, and functions of the pharmaceutical supply system for the population as well as its components in world practice, indicators of need, efficiency, and availability of pharmaceutical care in terms of health insurance and reimbursement of the cost of medicines;
    • A capacity for organizing, maintaining, and analyzing medications and medicinal plant raw materials in pharmacies and quality control laboratories of pharmaceutical companies following the requirements of the State pharmacopeia and other legal acts;
    • A capacity for organizing and carrying out quality control of medicines, determining the methods of sampling for control of medicines by current requirements, and carrying out its certification, to prevent the spread of falsified medicines;
    • A capacity for developing methods for quality control of medicines, pharmaceutical substances, medicinal plant raw materials, and auxiliary substances using physical, physicochemical, and chemical methods of control;
    • A capacity for identifying medicines and their metabolites in biological fluids and tissues of the body, conducting chemical and toxicological studies to diagnose acute poisoning, and drug and alcohol intoxication;
    • A capacity for ensuring proper storage of medicines and medical devices following their physicochemical properties and the rules of Good Storage Practice (GSP) in healthcare facilities;
    • A capacity for monitoring the efficacy and safety of the use of medicines by the population according to data on their clinical and pharmaceutical characteristics, as well as subjective signs and objective clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examination of the patient;
    • A capacity for ensuring the rational use of prescription and over-the-counter medicines following the physicochemical, pharmacological characteristics, biochemical, and pathophysiological features of a particular disease and pharmacotherapeutic regimens for its treatment;
    • A capacity for providing pre-medical care to patients and victims in extreme situations;
    • A capacity for providing counseling and pharmaceutical care during selecting and dispensing of over-the-counter medicine by assessing the risk/benefit ratio, compatibility, indications, and contraindications based on the patient’s health status, considering biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and physicochemical characteristics;
    • A capacity for conducting sanitary and educational work among the population to prevent common diseases of internal organs, prevent dangerous infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as to facilitate the timely detection and maintenance of adherence to treatment of these diseases following their medical, biological, and microbiological characteristics;
    • Ability to use innovative educational methods to deliver an exceptional curriculum that best suits the needs of a diverse population;
    • A capacity to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills to adapt to a current and evolving scope of practice;
    • A capacity to foster an environment that develops crucial thinking, clinical reasoning, and creative problem-solving;
    • A capacity to develop and investigate innovative educational methods to contribute to best practices in laboratory science education;
    • A capacity to collaborate with internal and external partners to achieve the research needs of the profession;
    • A capacity to disseminate relevant materials to professional colleagues and community stakeholders through research and scholarly inquiry;
    • A capacity to promote the profession through innovative education and engagement;
    • A capacity to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to serve the needs of a diverse population;
    • A capacity to cultivate the environment of active participation in professional organizations;
    • A capacity to model professional, ethical practice, and leadership;
    • Ability to demonstrate the relationship between vulnerability, disasters, disaster prevention, and risk reduction;
    • Acquire a preliminary understanding of approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction;
    • A capacity to demonstrate a rudimentary ability to respond to their surroundings with potential disaster response and will have due sensitivity;
    • A capacity to demonstrate a basic understanding of natural resources, ecosystems, and their structural and functional aspects;
    • A capacity to understand and appreciate the value of biodiversity and the significance of its conservation;
    • A capacity to demonstrate the measures to prevent environmental pollution at different levels;
    • Acquire an understanding of the effect of global warming and population growth on human health and climate change;
    • A capacity to think critically about environmental issues and come up with sustainable solutions;
    • A capacity to understand the basic concepts of engineering mechanics;
    • A capacity to know, the principles of static equilibrium;
    • A capacity to demonstrate the ability to illustrate the laws and kinematics of motion and their interrelationships;
    • A capacity to identify the major factors involved in the angular kinematics of human movement Identify and analyze various biomechanical problems;
    • A capacity to outline the structure and functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and cellular components;
    • A capacity to observe and correctly identify different cell types, and cellular structures using different microscopic techniques;
    • A capacity to understand the cellular components and processes underlying the cell cycle, cell division, and apoptosis;
    • A capacity to demonstrate the significance of cell receptors and cell signaling in a biological system;
    • A capacity to understand the fundamental biochemical principles such as the structure and functions of various biomolecules;
    • A capacity to know the reactions of the major metabolic pathways of carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolism;
    • A capacity to demonstrate an understanding of the regulation of biochemical processes;
    • A capacity to understand the molecular basis of various pathological conditions from the perspective of biochemical reactions;
    • A capacity to know the significance of Biochemistry;
    • A capacity to work with patients who have a range of conditions, including neurological, neuromusculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory, sometimes over weeks or months;
    • A capacity to make a clinical assessment and diagnosis to treat their physical problem/condition;
    • A capacity to design and review clinical management plans that encourage exercise and movement by the use of a range of techniques, which may include specialist rehabilitation, lifestyle medicine, long-term strategies, and clinical techniques;
    • A capacity to involve parents and carers in the treatment, review, and rehabilitation of patients;
    • A capacity to educate patients and their carers about how to prevent and/or improve conditions;
    • A capacity to empower patients, through education and advice, to take control of their care;
    • A capacity to write patient case notes and reports, and collect statistics;
    • A capacity to liaise with other healthcare professionals, such as GPs, consultants, occupational therapists, and social workers, to exchange information about the background and progress of patients, as well as to refer patients who require other medical attention;
    • A capacity to keep up to date with new techniques and technologies available for treating patients;
    • A capacity to supervise student and junior physiotherapists and physiotherapy support workers;
    • A capacity to be legally responsible and accountable;
    • A capacity to be caring, compassionate, and professional at all times;
    • A capacity to manage clinical risk;
    • A capacity to critically reflect upon contemporary theoretical perspectives which provide the underpinning knowledge base for professional practice recognizing the importance of knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values;
    • A capacity to analyze the wider political, cultural, economic, and social context of current health and social care provision;
    • A capacity to critically analyze the complexity of professional, ethical, and legal frameworks and their impact on Physiotherapy decision-making;
    • A capacity to demonstrate competence in assessing, planning, managing, auditing, reflecting, and reviewing practice to modify Physiotherapy provision accordingly within a range of settings;
    • A capacity to locate, analyze and evaluate evidence and research; apply the best available evidence, knowledge, and appropriate repertoire of skills indicative of safe and effective Physiotherapy practice;
    • Be an accountable practitioner, who demonstrates the ability to have flexible leadership, management, and business skills that enable them to contribute with skill and confidence to the effective multi-professional team working to ensure the total needs of service users and their families are addressed;
    • Articulate and justify clinical reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving processes to challenge Physiotherapy provision and critically evaluate the outcomes of interventions and service delivery strategies;
    • A capacity to understand the basic engineering drawing formats;
    • A capacity to collect data and transform it into graphics drawings;
    • A capacity to demonstrate the sketching techniques and take field dimensions;
    • A capacity to list, define, and calculate measures and methods used in outbreak investigation, infectious disease epidemiology, chronic disease epidemiology, disease prevention trials, and evaluation of screening tests including major measures of disease frequency used in epidemiologic research and practice and measures of association between a given risk factor and a disease or health outcome;
    • A capacity to evaluate the integrity and comparability of data and identify gaps in data sources commonly used in epidemiologic research and practice;
    • A capacity to design and interpret basic numeric and visual summaries of data;
    • A capacity to describe and evaluate different study design types (both experimental and observational), including their strengths and limitations, and be able to choose and implement a study design to appropriately address a specific research question;
    • A capacity to explain the difference between population parameters and sample estimates;
    • A capacity to describe the major sources of bias in epidemiologic research (confounding, selection bias, missing data, and measurement error) and approaches to evaluate and reduce bias;
    • A capacity to define the concept of probability, and conditional probability, describe the assumptions underlying the binomial, Poisson, and normal probability models;
    • A capacity to design and conduct studies and statistical analyses in ways that support appropriate causal inference, including adjusting for simple confounders and addressing effect modifiers;
    • A capacity to translate a research question into a statistical model/hypothesis, conduct a hypothesis test, interpret the results (including p-values and confidence intervals for means, proportions, relative risks, and odds ratios) and understand how sample size impacts these results;
    • A capacity to conduct, interpret, and make predictions from a simple linear regression;
    • A capacity to write a clear description of the rationale, methods, results, and interpretation of a scientific investigation;
    • A capacity to use R and associated tools for data input, cleaning, summarization, visualization, analysis, and reproducibility;
    • A capacity to recognize and discuss major determinants of health in relation to trends of morbidity and mortality;
    • A capacity to interpret findings of research studies and explain the value of evidence in evaluating the impact of health determinants;
    • A capacity to identify and examine how structural bias, social and other inequities, and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels;
    • A capacity to apply systems thinking to explain an ecological perspective on the connections among human health, animal health, and ecosystem health;
    • A capacity to examine how policies impact Public Health and health equity;
    • A capacity to describe various leadership styles and explain how they influence approaches to problem-solving and system functioning;
    • A capacity to describe Public Health organizational dynamics, and explain their influence on the work of Public Health;
    • A capacity to interpret surveillance data to assess community health status and develop a community health improvement plan;
    • A capacity to identify and apply community engagement and advocacy strategies to Public Health problems and activities;
    • A capacity to recommend and apply prevention and control strategies in response to a Public Health problem;
    • A capacity to communicate effectively with various Public Health stakeholders;
    • A capacity to recommend Public Health programs and/or policy evaluation strategies.
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